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DW400 series, 415lph in-tank fuel pump w /Universal Install Kit.


  • FLOW

    • Highest flowing brushed in-tank pump on the market

      • 500 LPH at 0psi

      • 415 LPH at 40psi

      • 350LPH at 80psi

    • Can support up to more than 1,000 HP on gas and 750 HP on e85

    • Outflows Walbro 450 “e85” by an average of 31% from 70-100psi

      • 5% at 40psi

      • 18% at 70psi

      • 56% at 100psi


    • Made in Germany through collaboration with Bosch Aftermarket

    • Exceeds specifications of SAEJ1537

    • Compatible with pump gas, e85, and race fuels

    • Carbon commutators and brushes, fully encapsulated machine balanced armature, composite turbine impeller.

  • EASE

    • 3-yr DW comprehensive warranty and technical support

    • 46mm diameter is 16% smaller footprint than Walbro450

    • Compatible with pulse width modulated pump controllers

    • Universal fitment kit included (filter, wiring harness, hose, and clamps)

Additional Considerations

  1. Wiring – A 400+ LPH pump draws substantial current (16-20 amps at typical operating pressures). Make sure your chassis wiring is up to the task of delivering this much current. A DW hardwire kit (part number FPHWK) is an inexpensive insurance policy.

  2. Size – The DW400 is a 46mm diameter pump. Standard in-tank pumps are 39mm diameter. Modifications to the fuel pump module will be necessary on some applications.

  3. Universal Fitment – Unlike other DW in-tank pumps, The DW400 is not an application-specific fitment pump.

  4. Check-valve – the DW400 does not have in internal check valve. An in-line check valve may be necessary for easy engine starts in some applications.